Valeo Interior Lighting for Onboard Experience Reinvention

Miércoles 3 de Julio, 11:00-12:00. Sala Alhambra

Jerome Monnot

As a technology company and partner to all automakers and new mobility players, VALEO is innovating to make mobility cleaner, safer and smarter. VALEO enjoys technological and industrial leadership in electrification, driving assistance systems, reinvention of the interior experience and lighting everywhere. These four areas are vital for the transformation of the mobility. This talk aims to present these four areas of development for the transformation of future mobility, focusing on R&D and innovation activities carried out in automotive interior lighting, following the latest trends in electronics architectures.

Jerome Monnot


Jerome Monnot is Technical Product Line Director & R&D director in Valeo. He helps organisations and employees to meet and exceed their goals. He is an experienced and highly successful Business Unit Director with strong leadership and interpersonal abilities, along with a proven track record of obtaining customer satisfaction. He has an entrepreneurial personality with natural ability in developing operational strategies.





Multi-Sensor Perception and Data Fusion

Jueves 4 de Julio, 11:00-12:00. Sala Alhambra

Daniel Watzenig

Sensor fusion overcomes the drawbacks of current sensor technology by combining information from many independent sources of limited accuracy and reliability. This makes the system less vulnerable to random and systematic failures of a single component. Multi-source information fusion avoids the perceptual limitations and uncertainties of a single sensor and forms a more comprehensive perception and recognition of the environment including static and dynamic objects. Through sensor fusion we combine readings from different sensors, remove inconsistencies and combine the information into one coherent structure. This kind of processing is a fundamental feature of all animal and human navigation, where multiple information sources such as vision, hearing and balance are combined to determine position and plan a path to a destination. In addition, several readings from the same sensor are combined, making the system less sensitive to noise and anomalous observations. In general, multi-sensor data fusion can achieve an increased classification accuracy of objects, improved state estimation accuracy, improved robustness for instance in adverse weather conditions, an increased availability, and an enlarged field of view. Emerging applications such as autonomous driving systems that are in direct contact and interact with the real world, require reliable and accurate information about their environment in real-time. 

Daniel Watzenig

Daniel Watzenig was born in Austria. He holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and was awarded the venia docendi (adjunct professorship) for electrical measurement science and signal processing from Graz University of Technology, Austria. He is CTO and Head of the Electronics Systems and Software Department at Virtual Vehicle Research Graz. In addition, he was appointed as a Full Professor of Multi-Sensor Perception of Autonomous Systems at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria.

His research interests focus on sense & control of autonomous vehicles, sensor fusion, reinforcement learning and decision making under uncertainty. He is the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, patents, and articles. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the SAE Int. Journal on Connected and Automated Vehicles (SAE JCAV). Since 2019 he is invited guest lecturer at Stanford University, USA, teaching multi-sensor perception for autonomous systems (Principles of Robot Autonomy). He is the founder of the Autonomous Racing Graz Team. Since 2024 he is Vice Chair and Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Austria Section. He is IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in the field of autonomous vehicles, Board Member of the INSIDE Industry Association (European Initiative on Intelligent Digital Systems) and Member of the Academic Advisory Council of PAVE (global Partners for Automated Vehicle Education). He has been a consultant and appointed expert for military robotics for the Armaments and Defense Technology Agency of the Austrian Armed Forces since 2019.


Retos y Oportunidades en recarga (2025 - 2030). Evolución hasta el MCS

Viernes 5 de Julio, 11:00-12:00. Sala Alhambra

Álvaro Vázquez

La necesaria irrupción del transporte pesado en la movilidad eléctrica cambia el paradigma. Las necesidades para las empresas involucradas en los proyectos MCS se incrementa y la especialización necesaria es mayor. Es un momento importante para las empresas y una oportunidad única para crecer y especializarse.

Alvaro Vazquez


Álvaro Vázquez es Director de área de negocio de movilidad Eléctrica en ABB. Durante mas de 15 años ha desarrollado su trabajo en multinacionales de primer nivel, entre las que cabe citar SMC y ABB. A lo largo de este tiempo se ha especializado en desarrollo de negocios dentro de organizaciones complejas.